Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On bus to Tijuana with salvia extracts.

The landscape is mostly arid, nevertheless we our land is fertile in Sinaloa, green pepper, corn, wheat, tomatoes, etc.

Right above Sinaloa we enter Sonora, a huge and arid state, not like Chihuahua, but close. We've not even entered Summer and we're have already record high temperatures for this time of the year.

Luckily, our interstate bus lines are not that bad, all of them have DVD player, air conditioner and tv screens. Most of them are not as fast as they could, but they're safe enough to withstand any international test.

I carry my salvia with me, I think that salvia extract is one of those plants which effects are different depending on the place, and I  would like to try salvia divinorum no matter where I am.

Have a great day

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